Ehsaas Panahgah with Free Food Facility 2023-24

According to the Prime Minister’s concept of the state of Madinah, the purpose of the Panahgah is to provide preferential accommodation and food to laborers, Daily Wagers and other eligible people in remote areas so that they do not have to sleep under the open sky and earn their living. They can save the money and send it to their families. The Panahgahs shall serve the marginalized strata of the society by providing them temporary accommodation along with two times meal. In this way, deserving persons who come to metropolitan cities in search of employment, education, health facilities etc. shall be able to avail temporary accommodation and facilities free of cost.

It is estimated that 400 beneficiaries will have dinner and 100 beneficiaries will get bed and break fast facility. Under the Ehsaas Program, the maximum period of stay shall be for three days, extendable for another week on the need and request of beneficiary.

Before establishment of Panahgah, a need assessment will be carried out at the locations of industries, grain, vegetable markets, darbars, colleges, universities, public transport stations, construction sites, railway stations, hospitals etc after assessing the concentration of work force requiring shelter and meals. Need assessment will be carried through a performa.

Objectives of Panahgahs:

To provide a regulated, rule-based and monitored ‘Pannah’ as stop-gap arrangement, to daily wagers, un-employed and shelter less persons hailing from different areas. Core objectives are to provide:

  • Instant relief for the needy/ deserving persons;
  • Facilitating the underprivileged work force;
  • Basic necessities of quality food and shelter;
  • Protection from exposure to severe weather;
  • Reducing the environmental impact on the target community.

Beneficiaries of Program:

Citizens of Pakistan including urban/ rural homeless, faraway from homes, unemployed, laborers, daily wagers, poor and transit passengers, attendants of the patients, students etc. can avail the facility of Panahgah.

Also Read:


Enrollment Procedure:

The desirous person(s) shall apply for enrollment in Panahgah on a prescribed application form available at Panahgah, with valid a CNIC or any other identification document. Complete form will be submitted to Supervisor of the Panahgah after a digital check-in registration. An orientation session shall be arranged for the beneficiaries by the concerned staff. Preference will be given to such persons who have no/less history of stay in respective Panahgah. Dependents of the applicants will also be allowed to stay in Panahgah on case bto case basis. A developed manual/ digital record of the beneficiaries shall be maintained.

Building Setup and Facilities:

In order to maintain uniformity, an eco-friendly and a spacious purposely-built temporary/semi temporary building having the required set up of accommodation with good ventilation, at a suitable location, easily accessible, comprising more or less 15-20 spacious rooms with sufficient open area shall be hired or constructed on the state or a donated land. Minimum 10 persons shall stay in a room with the provision of bunk beds alongwith bedding accessories. Relevant rules of the federal government or directions of the BMB for maintenance, hiring or renovation/construction by the PBM or the donor shall be observed.

Following set up shall be established in the building:

  • Accommodation
  • Rooms/Halls
  • Reception with Telephone / Internet
  • Office
  • Waiting area
  • Dining Hall
  • Prayer Room
  • Kitchen
  • Store

The Prime Minister has directed that warm clothes be provided to the laborers in the Panahgahs to protect them from the effects of cold weather. Implementation of this directive has begun.


Ehsaas Panahgah Eligilbity Criteria 2023-24

The Panahgah provides free accommodation and meals to the labours in the remote areas, Daily Wagers, homeless, unemployed and Attendants of patients from other cities.

A person in need of asylum can initially stay for three days and for a maximum of ten days in a month. To enter the asylum, the asylum seeker must have an ID card and belong to another district. If you want to search your nearby location of Ehsaas Panahgah then you can download the Panahgah app from the link given below;


Download Ehsaas Panahgah App

Facilities Providing in Ehsaas Panahgahs

  • Free accommodation for overnight stay alongwith two times meal shall be provided in a gated environment;
  • Each Panahgah shall have the capacity to arrange overnight stay of 100 persons alongwith provision of breakfast.
  • Each center will have the capacity to serve dinner upto 400 persons; In summers, breakfast timings shall be from 6:00-8:00 am, and for dinner timings shall be 6:30-8:30 pm;
  • In winter timings for breakfast shall be from 7:00-9:00 am, and dinner timings shall be observed from 6:00-8:00 pm;
  • Persons who want to avail the facility of overnight stay should enroll themselves before 9:00 pm. In exceptional cases if a person/persons request after 9:00 pm, concerned Supervisor/ shift incharge can consider the request;
  • All inmates of overnight stay shall vacate the premises 30 minutes after closing of breakfast time; · First Aid facility shall be available 24/7 at Panahgah;
  • Medical care on need basis shall be provided through nearest public hospital.

Also Read:

Wash (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene):

Concept of WASH shall be ensured/ observed in all Panahgahs. Under this concept it shall be ensured that:

  1. Availability of clean drinking water;
  2. Cleanliness of wash rooms and bath rooms;
  3. Maintain cleanliness and sanitation etc of the premises
  4. Staff of Panahgah shall be required to wear gloves and masks during duty hours;

The above measures shall be adopted with the objective to ensure hygienic environment in Panahgahs.

Daily Meal:

Daily two times food as per approved menu will be provided to the beneficiaries. Possibility of Public/Private Partnerships will also be explored and menu can be negotiated/altered.


Van shall be used for transporting bulk quantity of grocery items. Moreover, it shall be used in emergency as “Ambulance” for shifting of any sick inmate/ beneficiary to nearest hospital. Motor cycle shall be used for shifting small quantity of grocery items. Besides, it shall be used for DR purposes and for movement with relevant offices.

How To Use Ehsaas Panahgah App (Official Video)

Contact Number0800-666-66

Categories: Panahgah
Muhammad Sarim:
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